Finchley Lawn Tennis Club (FLTC) is a small, friendly and family orientated tennis club tucked away in a leafy rural setting. FLTC caters for tennis players of all standards from beginners to advanced players, Juniors, Intermediates, Match Players and Senior Citizens.
The club has five artificial grass courts, all of which are floodlit.
There is a licensed bar selling a selection of beers, lagers, wines and spirits as well as light snacks, all at very reasonable prices.
WIFI, TV and music facilities are available in the clubhouse.
Changing facilities with showers are located to the rear of the Club house.
Unlike some clubs, there are NO joining fees.
Once you have paid your subscription there are NO court fees, so you may play as much tennis as you wish from 08:00 to 22.00, 7 days a week.
Courts are booked via an internet booking system.
There are restrictions during ‘Social Club Time’ (See Below.) and during inter-club matches.
Membership runs from 1st April to 31st March each year and there are no additional joining fees.
Members are issued with a key (For which a deposit is paid. £7.00) to the Clubhouse, from where they may obtain the court keys.
Floodlights are £2.00 per half hour.
Members are allowed to bring guests to play for a maximum of three visits per season. After three visits in a season the Visitor will need to become member to play again. (£5.00 per adult per session/£2.50 per junior per session)
As FLTC is affiliated to the LTA, by joining the Club, you can also become a British Tennis Member (You will need to sign up on line.) at no additional cost. The benefits of British Tennis Membership include entry into the LTA ballot for Wimbledon tickets and eligibility for inter-club tournaments; you will need to affiliate as an FLTC member.
Social Play
This is when players mix together to play doubles. This is on Sunday mornings (08:00 till 14.00) for members of a suitable standard and an Intermediate and team players session is Wednesday evenings (18:00 till 22:00).
At these times only doubles is played, one set and then partners are changed.
Players must be of a suitable standard to participate for Social Play.
On Wednesday evenings the flood lights are provided free of charge for Social Play.
Should you prefer a more leisurely game you could always join our Wednesday morning session. (09.30-12.00)
On Thursday evenings Roberto, one of the Club Coaches, is available to give beginner’s tips and arrange beginner’s social play at a reasonable group rate.
Twice a year we hold our American Tournament sessions, these are rounds of four games before changing partners for the next round, points are one for each game won.
The club also holds annual Club Championships, from May to September, open to all members.
We have a strong core of social members who are free to use the club facilities apart from tennis. The club has a busy social calendar ranging from informal Barbecues on a sunny Sunday afternoon to Quiz Nights, New Years Eve Parties, Club dinners, American Tournaments, Christmas festivities and many more. Keep an eye on the notice board and sign up for E-mails.
Robert Domizi – 07850 719079
- Individual coaching
- Junior group coaching
- Team coaching
- Group Coaching
Sian Pepper is a LTA Level 2 Coach, and works with our younger players.
She offers camps and group sessions.
Sian can be contacted on 07921 162019
The club has four Men’s teams and three Ladies teams and Seniors teams in the Middlesex Summer Leagues.
Four Men’s, four Ladies a Mixed team and Seniors in the Winter Leagues.
These matches are usually played in the evenings, mid-week.
- Subscriptions should be paid by 1st April.
- New members must pay immediately upon being accepted.
- Receipts will be issued on request.
- Cash Transactions must be receipted. A receipt book is kept in the bar.
- Visitor’s fee – £5.00 per adult per session, £2.50 per Junior per session.
- Children under the age of 12 are free, but must be accompanied by an Adult Member.
All members must sign their agreement to abide by the rules of the LTA and Finchley Lawn Tennis Club on joining.
All members must abide by the Club’s policies for Safeguarding, Diversity and Inclusion.
All members must wear tennis shoes on court at all times.
Tennis or sports clothing is required.
No vests or bare chests.
Should you require any additional information please contact either the following:
Vittorio Alfano, Chairman – 07731 607555
E-mail – info@finchleyltc.org
Address – Rear of 43-57 Brent Way N3 1AR (Opposite Hamilton Way) Path between 45 & 47 Brent Way.
What 3 words – landed.clock.crowds
Please send an e-mail to this address on joining, so we can keep you informed.
Vittorio Alfano